Optimizing your Cloud Spend

Optimizing your Cloud Spend

Best Practice Approach to tackle costs in changing complex cloud architectures

Modern world runs on new age technology and data. Old systems are steadily being replaced by new solutions that demand large inputs of interconnected data. To support this shift, we also require an infrastructure that can meet these demands. That is where hyperscalers comes in, as the name suggests, hyperscalers are typically used to refer to large scale computing – usually big data or cloud computing. Hyperscale infrastructure is designed for horizontal scalability and its heavily dependent on massively scalable server architectures and networking.

The reduced operational costs and ease of use, are among other benefits of Cloud and at the same time, optimizing operational costs of your infrastructure with different Cloud pricing model, zero capex costs in some cases and greater ROI in cloud computing in many scenarios of deployment and run have come up short.

Modern world runs on new age technology and data. Old systems are steadily being replaced by new solutions that demand large inputs of interconnected data. To support this shift, we also require an infrastructure that can meet these demands. That is where hyperscalers comes in, as the name suggests, hyperscalers are typically used to refer to large scale computing – usually big data or cloud computing. Hyperscale infrastructure is designed for horizontal scalability and its heavily dependent on massively scalable server architectures and networking.

The reduced operational costs and ease of use, are among other benefits of Cloud and at the same time, optimizing operational costs of your infrastructure with different Cloud pricing model, zero capex costs in some cases and greater ROI in cloud computing in many scenarios of deployment and run have come up short.

Cost management and spending trends with Cloud Infrastructure are clearly emerging as a top imperative to Cloud IT and finance organization’s to further driven down operational efficiencies and enhance return of their investment on digital transformation initiatives. Clounomy’s cloud optimization solution will enable to forecast and drive clear insights on how effectively all resources in a cloud environment is used.

1. Automated policies such as shutting down unused workloads
2. Unable to choose the right pricing and discounting options from AWS, Azure or GCP
3. Running best bread IT apps, their License costs versus SaaS products

Monitoring your Cloud spend is important for organizations for their continued success as companies continue to embrace cloud as their infrastructure to have clear control on their IT Capex, operations efficiencies, deliver clear business outcomes and return of Investment.

Radee (Radhakrishnan Malyandi) is a leader in SAP Basis and Cloud technologies. He has 25+ years of experience in strategy, consulting, and service, managing SAP Infrastructure of large IT Organisations. Radee is responsible for developing next generation offerings for various Industries and a thought leader in Cloud computing for enterprise technologies, He can be reached at info@clounomy.com


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